Why Desktop PCs Will Never Die

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That statement must be coming from the mouth of someone who believes PC computing is a pure distraction to real computing. It is not. If a desktop user buys a laptop, the real computing will be done on a real computer.

The reason desktop computers will never die is because most businesses cannot afford new machines to replace old ones. Because of a decreasing interest in desktop computing, the replacement cycles will increase over time, just like it has in desktops. Laptops, servers, and many other gadgets have a longer life cycle than desktop computers.

Desktop computers will always exist. They are inherently better than laptops because they are cheaper, perform well for everyday computing tasks, and are easier to fix. Not only will laptop manufacturers keep manufacturing new laptops to replace old ones, they will keep manufacturing new desktops and servers to replace old ones. The market is demanding it, and nobody wants to suffer the consequences.

Laptops Need Attention From Windows 10

There is no reason for desktop machines to die. However, many desktop PCs are dying now because Microsoft is addressing many of the flaws of Windows 7 and Windows 8. Microsoft did not get rid of desktop computers when it released Windows 7 and Windows 8, so why would they give them attention when it releases Windows 10?

Desktop computers need attention from Windows 10 because new devices are a dying breed. Old hardware, such as desktops, will still exist for some time, even in 2040 or 2050, but only if a business cannot afford to replace it.

Modern operating systems like Windows 10 introduce many opportunities, not only for upgrades, but also new features that will be used more often by desktop computers. There are also new technology innovations and hardware capabilities that come into play with new operating systems.

And not only Windows 10, but Linux can also have many opportunities for users. How? Heard about the command line– a text-based system that passes commands to the computer and returns results to the user? Operating systems rely heavily on the command line to provide powerful and flexible features. This is true for Linux as well. However, in this operating system, using a command line can be easier than other OS. This means that individuals can make the computer react immediately to their commands. Doesn’t it give an intoxicating geek fantasy satisfaction? It almost feels that there is no mouse as powerful as the keyboard. Moreover, with Linux, most commands can be run from anywhere provided the user has the permission to do so. It is not necessary to know how to use the desktop environment or the file browser. Additionally, this does not require familiarity with the file browser or knowledge of the desktop environment. A simple terminal window and a few words are all that’s needed. Take, for example, the command “rm”, which stands for remove. It can be used to delete files and directories if instructed to do so (to learn more about using the command, visit https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/delete-file-linux-command-line/). Doesn’t this command provide a certain level of comfort? Many users would nod in its favor. So, by now it must been understood why operating systems have so much appeal to them– it is their consistency, uniformity, and reliability.

Anyway, let us come back to Windows 10 again. With Windows 10, applications will be running in multiple locations, on multiple devices and possibly on a mobile device as well. Because of the need for modern applications to be running on new hardware, new hardware will also be required by many modern operating systems. Windows 10 provides a platform for new hardware to support new operating systems that can be upgraded over time.

That gives desktop users reason to wait to upgrade their computers to Windows 10. More computers can be upgraded to Windows 10 at the same time to help prevent device failure and make upgrading less complicated for the owner of the PC.

Desktop Windows 10 Deployments Aren’t Happening Yet

Since Windows 10 was introduced to the public at the end of July, we have been seeing new deployments to consumers and small businesses. There are a lot of questions about whether or not desktop computers will be able to receive the upgrade and how quickly it will be able to get to existing desktop computers.

According to Phil Spencer, the head of Xbox, there are not many deployments happening yet and there will be far more before Windows 10 goes out to end users. That may be true because we have yet to see any of the major vendors create a desktop version of Windows 10. After all the new online casino 2020 list features platforms that are automatically retro-compatible as they run in the browser.