Why It Should Matter to Start-ups Where in London Their IT Support is Located?

Living costs might be high in the capital, but there are few better places in the world to find a thriving start-up community. As such, plenty of start-ups find their feet, and there is a whole host of IT help desk services would be able to help them along the way.

If you happen to be part of a London-based start-up, you’re probably going to look for a London-based IT support provider, which is a great move. However, people often fail to check exactly where in London their IT support provider is based.

Why Does It Matter?

In this bold new digital age, the grand majority of your IT support can be conducted over the internet; in fact, many clients will never even have to meet the professionals that take care of their network face-to-face. Most IT support services operate remotely, meaning you could be in London but use it services in Denver in the US. This can often work well for a company if they have no need for IT support close by, making it a viable option for many.

However, it can sometimes be useful to have IT support come to you, and in these situations quicker is generally better. For example, you may have suffered a serious IT issue that can be coped with a lot easier and faster simply by making a visit to your office space. This is particularly important for start-ups since they will often need networks to be set up from scratch and then dramatically scaled up as their business gains momentum. If your IT support provider is right on the outskirts of London, they might as well be halfway across the country for the speed they can make it to your offices.

Additionally, you’ll often find that the top London-based IT support companies conduct frequent events, many of which will help start-ups navigate the digital world. It’s nice if you can make it to one without taking a succession of buses.

Where Should You Look?

Of course, exactly where you should look will depend on where your start-up is going to be operating. That said, it’s often a good idea to look relatively close to just east of the centre, which is typically home to plenty of start-ups. When you know exactly where your own office space is going to be, see if you can identify a good IT support provider within 30 minutes or less on the tube.

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